随着留学大潮的低龄化,除了雅思,托福等热门留学语言考试之外,另外一种考试也逐渐进入了热门考试的行列——小托福,即TOEFL Junior. 是由美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service)研究设计的考试,针对11-15岁中学生英语能力的测评,是想去美国读高中的同学们很好的一种选择。
It was once thought that the fungus that ants cultivate was a single type that they had propagated, essentially unchanged from the distant past. (C7T3P1)
Describe something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, but haven’t done yet. Part 3: Do you have goals? Why it’s important for young people to have goals? What goals do young people like to set? How can parents help their children to achieve goals? Is having
Part 3: Do you often attend weddings? What wedding gifts are popular in China? How do you think of the perfect age for marriage? Why do Chinese people like to go to celebrations like wedding ceremony? What the difference between a fancy wedding ceremony
Describe a/an new/exciting activity that you want to try for the first time. Part 3 ① Do you like to do risky things? ② Why is good to be adventurous? ③Does it benefit people when they try new things? ④ Why do some people eat the same things all the time?
Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown Part 3 ① Do you like big shops or small shops? ② Why do some people like to visit small shops? ③Should governments develop big shops or small shops? ④Should shops be located in city centers or in the
雅思写作精选句子单句练习:Some students earn some extra cash from part-time jobs.学生们可以通过兼职工作赚到一些零用钱。
Do you think neighbors are important?Do you think it's important to have a good relationship with one's neighbors?
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