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托福口语中涉及到的那些 “ 课程 ”

2023-06-29 17:58:58 编辑:保定环球教育 浏览:(207次)


环球教育保定托福培训机构提供:托福口语中涉及到的那些 “ 课程 ”!关注环球教育保定分校微信公众号,获取更多保定托福考试资讯。



Some college students choose a course of a study that will give them specific professional training, such as teaching or engineering. Others choose a broader course of study, such as philosophy or history, that will give them more general knowledge. Which do you think is better? Explain why, using specific examples and details.



Some children are interested in a certain kind of instrument, but they don’t want to take the course. Do you think they should take the instrument course or just doing nothing?



Some professors allow students who have not done well on graded assignments during a course to do additional assignments in order to improve their overall course grade. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why or why not. Use details and examples to support your opinion.




Some college students choose a course of a study that will give them specific professional training, such as teaching or engineering.

Others choose a broader course of study, such as philosophy or history, that will give them more general knowledge.

Which do you think is better? Explain why, using specific examples and details.



选项一:choose a course of a study that will give them specific professional training, such as teaching or engineering.

选项二:choose a broader course of study, such as philosophy or history, that will give them more general knowledge.






“When discussing this topic, I should say that choosing a specific professional training can benefit me greatly”

其实设身处地的想,专业性的课程胜就胜在他的专业性,也就是说我们可以通过学习专业的语言课程,电脑课程,机械课程等, 进而成为这方面的小半个行家,毕业之后可以靠着自己的专业混口饭吃。



“Choosing a specific professional training can give me much more actual and vital experience in the future competitive job market. As a student who wants to further my job in education, I think I should take various courses that can teach me several practical skills, such as how to properly communicate with teenagers and design user-friendly teaching materials. Without these skills, I cannot qualify myself as a teacher.”


“Choosing a specific professional training benefits for job-searching. There are specific requirements for certain jobs. For example, language skills are indispensable for an international company. At this time, excellent language skills can ensure you a desirable job. However, if you are a literature major, things may be different.”


“On the contrary, the general knowledge of philosophy or history may be useful, but they are not the crucial value employers are looking for.”





“History and philosophy provide us the ability of introspection and contemplation, which may be applied to most life problems. For example, WWI and WWII have caused the catastrophic result. Let all the countries in this world trade off these so-called world wars.”


"Broad courses hone students' creativity: Studying the humanities can help students understand things better and more clearly. For example, when students look at a painting, they may think, "it's just a piece of painting." Still, by studying humanities, students can appreciate what the painting is and see through how many aspects of creation and painting may have profound meaning."

"History and philosophy courses improve Students' social skills: The humanities help students understand things better, including others. In addition, it will help you better understand written and spoken language and improve your communication skills!"

"broad courses help students understand the impact of technology, science, and medicine: Studying history, philosophy, and literature."


专业知识学课程有利于就业, 而人文常识类课程增强反思,增加创造力,提高社交能力,提高对于很多知识的深入理解,提高问题解决能力。



