


雅思备考 >


2021-10-14 15:38:08 编辑:保定环球教育 浏览:(252次)







# 必备表达 #

在这一部分,我们会按照词性分类:名词、动词和形容词部分,分别给出大家一些与话题“spending time with others”相关的词汇和短语,并同时提供相应的例句,让大家能够更好的掌握相关的用法。



introvert 内向的人

social interaction 社交互动

exception 例外


Do you like talking with people?


Well, I am an introvert and I tend to shy away from social interactions, including talking with people. But the exception is when I find lot of common topics with the other person or people. Unfortunately, that rarely happens.



split 分摊

count on… 指望


Do you remember a time when you needed to cooperate with others?


I am studying at an international high school and often we students are given group projects which do require cooperation among group members. So, normally we’ll need to split the work and count on each other to finish their part.

 ○ 形容词部分 

chatty 健谈的

sporty 爱运动的



How do you like spending time with your friends?


I got a bunch of chatty friends, so most of the time we like to talk about something we are commonly interested in during class breaks or on social media. But we are also very sporty. We play basketball after school.


# 高维思路 #




Study alone: 

Fewer distractions 更少的分散

Control over study environment 控制学习环境

Control over study schedule 控制学习时间表


Study with a group:

Discussing concepts with others tests comprehension 和他人讨论可以测试理解

Helps clarify any questions 帮助弄清楚问题

Motivates students to study 促进学生学习



Would you prefer to study alone or with others?


Students who choose to study alone can focus completely on the material. They don’t have to worry about study sessions turning into hangout sessions because they’re with friends. With self-study, students can place 100% of their attention on what they have to learn for the test.

All students have different study strategies for preparing for tests. Some students want to sit in their own rooms listening to soft background music. Others need to be in a public space with lots going on around them to keep focused. Studying alone allows students to study in an environment that’s perfect for them.

Some students work better at night time, others work better during the day. When students study alone, they can plan a study schedule that works best for them and take breaks when they please. When students study in a group, the priority is finding a time that works for everyone, not finding a time that is most effective for studying. Studying alone allows students the freedom to choose when they want to study and for how long.

A true test in knowing if a student understands a concept or not is if he or she is able to explain it to someone else. Studying with others gives an opportunity to better understand the topic by discussing it with someone else. If a student draws a blank when someone asks him or her to explain a concept, it means that the student has to study more.

Not understanding a concept and having no one around to help can be very frustrating. A major benefit of studying in a group is being able to ask classmates if something doesn’t make sense. Having other students around to help review concepts can also offer a deeper understanding of the class material.

If a student works best with others, study groups can be a great option. Many students derive energy from being around other people and look forward to learning and discussing material with classmates. Having a study group will also make the student more accountable. Other people are counting on him or her to help with studying, so it’s less likely that he or she will skip studying.

