2025-03-26 17:47:34 编辑:保定环球教育 浏览:(12次)
适用群体:目标 6 分,追求表达连贯性的考生
First of all... Besides... Finally...(适合 Part 1 列举喜好)
例句:Why do you like cycling?
“First of all, it’s eco-friendly. Besides, cycling helps me clear my mind. Finally, it saves me money on transport.”
What’s more.../ On top of that...(强调补充信息)
例句:Do you prefer online or offline shopping?
“Offline shopping lets me try clothes physically. What’s more, I enjoy the social experience.”
But the thing is...(自然过渡到重点)
例句:Is it easy to make friends in your city?
“People here are friendly. But the thing is, everyone’s so busy that we rarely have time to meet.”
Having said that...(委婉反驳自己观点)
例句:Should children have smartphones?
“Phones can be educational tools. Having said that, parents must set screen time limits.”
适用群体:冲 7 分 +,需要体现思辨能力的考生
That’s partly why...(解释现象根源)
例句:Why do people like extreme sports?
“Adrenaline rush gives a sense of being alive. That’s partly why they’re so addictive.”
This leads to.../ As a result...(展示连锁反应)
例句:How does tourism affect local culture?
“Mass tourism commercializes traditions. This leads to loss of cultural authenticity.”
Let’s say.../ Imagine if...(用场景引发共鸣)
例句:How can cities reduce traffic jams?
“Let’s say we impose congestion charges. Drivers might switch to public transport.”
Unless.../ Otherwise...(强调条件与后果)
例句:Is technology making people less creative?
“Tech tools boost efficiency. Unless we actively seek inspiration, creativity could decline.”
适用群体:冲 8 分 +,追求语言精准度的考生
It’s like...(用生活化比喻解释抽象概念)
例句:How do memories shape our identity?
“Memories are like puzzle pieces. Without them, we can’t see the full picture of who we are.”
Similarly.../ By the same token...(跨领域类比)
例句:Why is teamwork important in workplaces?
“Just as a football team needs strikers and defenders, workplaces require diverse talents.”
Research shows.../ Statistics indicate...(增强说服力)
例句:Should schools teach financial management?
“Research shows that 70% of teens lack basic money skills. This is why financial literacy matters.”
Historically speaking...(展示知识储备)
例句:How have communication methods changed?
“Historically speaking, letters took weeks to deliver. Now we video-call instantly across continents.”
过度使用 “and”
错误示范:I like painting and I have a dog and we walk in the park and...(像小学生流水账)
正确替代:用 “plus” 或 “also” 分层信息
“I enjoy painting. Plus, walking my dog in the park inspires my art.”
滥用 “you know”
每句话都加 “you know” 会让考官烦躁,每段最多用 1 次
替代方案:用 “I mean” 或 “actually” 自然修正观点
“Social media connects people globally. I mean, it also causes information overload though.”
错误示范:用 “furthermore” 却发错音(读成 “佛的猫”),不如直接用 “also”
正确姿势:选 5 个最熟悉的高级词反复练发音,比如 “nonetheless”“conversely”
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