2023-08-24 17:56:12 编辑:保定环球教育 浏览:(198次)
Coconut 椰子
A good example -- coconuts, because the fruit of coconut palm tree, make it often grows near the ocean. Coconut has a thick, wooden covering, so the coconut can float in water. So when coconuts fall off a palm tree, it can float away in the ocean, which helps to disperse the palm tree seeds, sometimes hundreds or even thousands of miles away.
bamboo 竹子
Take the example of bamboo plant. Now bamboo is actually a grass, its seeds are kind of green, highly desirable food source. A lot of animals will eat bamboo seeds. From small birds and rodents to large mammals, including the occasional elephants, and they’re plenty to go around.
Corn 玉米
Maize 玉米
teosinte 蜀黍
wheat 小麦
1. So, continuing with crop domestication and corn or umm maize as it’s often called. Obviously it’s one of the world’s most important crops today, it’s such a big part of the diet in so many countries and it’s got so many different uses that it’s hard to imagine a world without it.
2. One involved a plant called teosinte. Teosinte is a tall grass that grows wild in certain parts of Mexico and Guatemala.
3. Let's talk about these rents for a minute. Most of the time the rents were collected in kind, payments of actual items like how many bushels of wheat, so many eggs a year and so on.
Hundreds or even thousands of individuals will congregate under a floating log, or tree branches, or drifting algae, any chunk of debris really, whether naturally occurring or human made.
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