


雅思备考 >


2023-04-04 16:48:21 编辑:保定环球教育 浏览:(119次)






Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with

You should say:

What party it was

How you met this person

What you talked about

And explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her



I’m going to talk about a person I met a party who I enjoyed talking to.

This person was an acquaintance of mine. Although I knew about him, I didn’t really become friends with him until we met each other at my friend’s birthday party.

My friend introduced us to each other at the party, and I quickly got to know the guy. At first, we made some polite conversation, asking basic questions about each other. Then, we started sharing our interests and hobbies. It turned out that, like me, he was also a big fan of anime. I guess that shouldn’t be a big surprise, as many other kids my age liked to watch anime.

Anyway, I really enjoyed chatting with him because, like I said, we shared some common interests, which meant we had a lot to talk about. We spent some time discussing the anime we’ve both watched—like our favourite characters and arcs—and we also introduced each other to new anime that the other person hadn’t seen. A few of the ones he told me about would eventually become some of my favourite anime series, so I’m quite thankful for his recommendations.

I also enjoyed talking to him because he was a good listener. When I spoke, he didn’t really interrupt, and he seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say. He was also an enthusiastic and funny guy who joked around a lot. So yeah, all these factors made talking to him an enjoyable experience. We added each other to WeChat afterwards and still maintain contact these days.



an acquaintance of mine 我的一个熟人
made some polite 进行一些礼貌的交谈
ask basic questions about 问一些关于对方的基本
each other 问题
started sharing our interests and hobbies 开始分享我们的兴趣爱好
turned out 结果
shared some common 有一些共同的兴趣
a good listener 一个好的倾听者

